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Mobile ad firm inneractive makes move on US with Palo Alto office

Looking to sign up Silicon Valley studios
Mobile ad firm inneractive makes move on US with Palo Alto office

Expanding on its roots in European and Asian markets, mobile ad firm inneractive has set its sights on the US with the launch of a new office in Palo Alto, California.

The new base will be followed up by an additional office in New York, the firm claims, as it looks to tap up US based developers for its app monetisation business.

Moving into the Valley

"We are very excited to be expanding our core business of helping developers monetise their free apps to the US," said CEO Ziv Elul of the move.

"By opening up a local branch, we intend on spreading the word about our platform, that gives developers, across all mobile operating systems, the benefits of industry-leading CTR and eCPM. In addition, developers will surely find our in-house Ad Placement Strategy document to be a useful resource in increasing their app’s revenue."

The firm claims it already works with developers in more than 200 countries, maintaining a 90 percent global fill rate across its multi-OS mediation platform.

The US market, inneractive hopes, will add to that roster of support. The mass of developers in Silicon Valley, the company claims, will be a target for Palo Alto office head Assaf Benjamin, who has previously worked by M-System and McCann Erickson.