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DeNA signs up dev stars Keiji Inafune, Suda 51, and Yuji Naka up for Mobage

Yoshifumi Hashimoto and Noritaka Funamizu also on board
DeNA signs up dev stars Keiji Inafune, Suda 51, and Yuji Naka up for Mobage

Resident Evil, No More Heroes, Sonic The Hedgehog not exactly the first series that spring to mind when it comes to social gaming stars.

Nonetheless, the fact DeNA has managed to sign up the men behind said series to work on its Mobage platform can only be seen as a sign of strength, with Keiji Inafune, Suda 51 and Yuji Naka unveiled by the company at a dedicated press conference.

Lots more heroes

Along with Harvest Moon producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto and Crafts & Meister founder Noritaka Funamizu, said stars will form part of the 'Super Creators' project, designed to bring quality content to Mobage in the coming years.

Indeed, work has already begun on a select band of titles: Inafune is developing a new game for the platform dubbed J.J. Rockets, while Funamizu is working on a new brand dubbed Nama-ge.

More mystery surrounds Yuji Naka's effort. All he would admit was it would be an 'adventure game' sporting some form of location-based play

The rest appear set to deliver titles based on existing series a No More Heroes release from Suda 51 confirmed, with Hashimoto is developing a Harvest Moon title.

[source: Andriasang]