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Cloud platform Appcelerator offers $10,000 cash prize for Codestrong 2011 hackathon

San Francisco playing host to September splash
Cloud platform Appcelerator offers $10,000 cash prize for Codestrong 2011 hackathon

Part of the firm's first ever development conference, mobile cloud platform Appcelerator has revealed it is to stump up $10,000 for the event's hackathon, designed to promote apps using its Titanium technology.

Codestrong 2011, which will run in San Francisco from September 18-20, will play host to the mass hack, with the most innovative apps across iOS, Android and BlackBerry vying for the top spot.

App attack

"The conference will focus on the latest innovations in mobile and web development, with two plus days of compelling keynotes, 25 plus breakout sessions, networking with 500 plus mobile developers," the firms said of the event

"And to cap the conference off a late-night hackathon."

Prizes are also on offer for the entire top ten apps, though developers looking to attend will need to pay $799 for a ticket until August 15.

After that date, the price will then jump to $999, with only a limited number of spaces available.

More details can be found on the Codestrong website.