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Ngmoco signs up AT&T to make Mobage gaming app available for its Android phones

Via Android Market later in 2011
Ngmoco signs up AT&T to make Mobage gaming app available for its Android phones

Arch rival social mobile gaming social network OpenFeint hooked up a deal with US operator AT&T in February 2011, so now DeNa and ngmoco have laid out a similar deal for their Mobage network.

This will see the Mobage app available through the Android Market on AT&T smartphones. The app will act as a gateway to games using the Mobage network and all the community features that come with it.

But, unlike AT&T's deal with OpenFeint - and DeNA's deal with Samsung - it doesn't appear that the app will be embedded on devices, presumably because of AT&T's agreements with other companies. Equally, the financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Good to go

"Games are consistently among the most popular entertainment apps for smartphones," said Ted Woodbery, vice president, Wireless Data, Voice and Ancillary Services, AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets.

"We are pleased to be the first US wireless carrier to work with ngmoco and look forward to giving our Android customers access to the rich Mobage gaming catalog later this year."

"AT&T has been a leader in the smartphone revolution in many ways," said Neil Young, ngmoco's CEO. "We are delighted to bring Mobage to the massive group of Android users on the network."

[source: PR Newswire]