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Flurry detects iSlate's electronic trail; claims game focus

Testing of pre-release units at Cupertino
Flurry detects iSlate's electronic trail; claims game focus

Mobile analytics company Flurry has been sniffing out what it's calling Apple's 'rumoured tablet device'.

It's detected the electronic signal of around 50 devices that it said could be geographically placed at Apple's Cupertino campus. This follows up from the first signals of such a device in October, with current activity being referred to as pre-release testing and polishing.

Significantly however Flurry reckons it could work out the categories of apps running on the device, with games leading the charge, followed by Entertainment and News & Books.

This makes sense as games would require more testing that other apps, but also suggest the tablet will be primarily focused as a consumer product, rather than a business tool.

Flurry's final conclusion relates to the operating system, which it fingers as OS 3.2, compared to the current standard OS 3.1.2 for iPhone. This is good news in terms of backwards compatibility with existing content as there were fears the tablet could be using an all-new OS 4.0.

[source: Flurry]