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Gameview clarifies IAP trend: Some Android games monetise 30% more per user than their iOS equivalents

DeNA studio digs deeper into stats
Gameview clarifies IAP trend: Some Android games monetise 30% more per user than their iOS equivalents

If Gameview's initial claim that games on Android are now monetising close to the rates of their iOS brethren was a surprise, the firm's revised view that in some cases they're actually the top performers will make headlines.

The release of the refreshed stats from the DeNA-owned studio comes as a result of our own look at their numbers, released as part of the firm's press blitz celebrating Tap Fish's success on Google's platform.

After reading the story, we're told, the developer took a closer look at their figures, concluding that many of their games on Android are generating 30 percent more average revenue per user (ARPU) than those on iPhone.

Changing attitudes

The firm neglects to name names (the original story was about Tap Fish), but the news is yet another example of a change in fortunes for developers operating on Android.

Godzilab recently reported that, while each iOS user generates three times more revenue on Stardunk than those playing on Android, the larger userbase the game has amassed on Google's platform means both editions are holding their own.

US studio Spacetime Studios experienced something similar with its freemium MMOG Pocket Legends.

Android exclusive platforms, such as PapayaMobile, are also naturally keen to talk the OS up.

The firm, which operates a social network on Android, recently passed 25 million users, reporting the average paying user spends around $22.60 per month on games on the platform.

Game on for Android

Gameview's statement is arguably more significant, however, given it suggests individual users on Android are willing to spend more money on Google's OS, arguably for the first time.

"Many developers complain that Android only monetises at a small fraction of their games on iOS, but that's not what we see," Gameview co-founder Riz Virk said of the studio's success on the platform.

"Our Android games monetise about on par with our iOS games in some cases up to 30 percent higher and as we focus on building out cool new features like live wallpaper, we expect usage, engagement and revenues on the Android platform to continue to climb," he added in the revised release.

Our original story can be found by here.