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Kwalee's David Darling on the new challenge of making games and apps for iOS

Bringing Codemasters' experience to the mobile market
Kwalee's David Darling on the new challenge of making games and apps for iOS

Having sold out of the company he founded in 1986 with his brother and dad, Codemasters co-founder David Darling has been happily spending some time smelling the flowers.

"I'd had twenty years at Codemasters so it was a good opportunity to take time out for personal things," Darling says.

Yet, the lure of technology and the excitement of running a business could only be resisted for so long, which is why he finds himself above a Pizza Express in Leamington Spa - the offices of start up Kwalee.


"I really like the business model where customers can immediately download what you've made and tell their friends about it," Darling says, explaining why Kwalee will be focusing on touchscreen devices, notably iOS.

Combining that direct customer relationship to the predicted 200 million devices Apple is expected to be selling annually by 2015, and it's no wonder Darling talks enthusiastically about the potential of this "very high growth market".

Well rounded

The studio is currently in a staffing up mode, with at least 10 new hires required. It won't just be designers, programmers and artists however.

"I think my background as a publisher will help," Darling says. "As well as developers, we're also recruiting marketing and PR people so we make sure everyone will know about our releases."

These will be mainly focused on gaming and entertainment, although not exclusively so. "I've got some ideas for apps that will take advantage of the computing power of these devices, and other features such as input methods and GPS," he reveals.

Looking to hit the ground running, the first releases from Kwalee could be out before the end of 2011.

You can check out what Darling gets up via the company's website.