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Microsoft lifts lid on 4 new Windows Phone Mango handsets from Samsung, Acer, Fujitsu and ZTE

Samsung delivers first device with front facing camera
Microsoft lifts lid on 4 new Windows Phone Mango handsets from Samsung, Acer, Fujitsu and ZTE

If Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is right and Windows Phone is growing from what remains a "very small" base, news of four new handsets is positive.

Of course, it was common knowledge that Samsung, Acer, Fujitsu and ZTE were working on new devices for the platform. Microsoft took time out during its Worldwide Partner Conference to showcase them to the world Samsung's handset in particular stealing the most attention.

Welcome to the family

The unnamed device (which, like all four handsets, will run the new version of the OS dubbed Mango) appears to resemble Samsung's Android-powered Galaxy S II, sporting a front-facing camera the first handset on Windows Phone to do so.

Somewhat more off the wall, Fujitsu's new phone comes fitted in a pink, waterproof casing, while little is known about Acer's handset other than, in the words of Microsoft's Steve Guggenheimer, it marks the appearance of "one of the large OEM brands in the phone space on Windows Phone 7".

ZTE's new phone, which was announced by the company at the end of May, is also shrouded in mystery, but represents an important coup for Microsoft, given the strength of the Chinese firm in Asia.

All four devices will likely launch with Mango this autumn, competing with HTC's yet-to-be-announced 12MP Mazaa handset and, if all goes to plan, the first Nokia device running Microsoft's OS.


[source: WinRumors]