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Tap.Me launches mobile advertising advisory board to guide strategy

Identify trends and build partnerships
Tap.Me launches mobile advertising advisory board to guide strategy

Pulling together both mobile marketing experts and those with experience in brand building, start up ad platform Tap.Me has unveiled a new advertising advisory board.

The board will be charged with monitoring both current and evolving trends within the industry, as well as tapping into their connections with major brands and partners.

Meet the team

Tap.Me hasn't named every member of its dream team, though a few key players have been identified, including Brandon Berger - worldwide head of digital at Ogilvy & Mather and CEO of online entertainment creator Seven Lights Tim Harris.

Also joining the board are Rockfish Interactive CMO and Procter & Gamble veteran Dave Knox, North American head at R&D specialist BBH Labs Saneel Radia, and NextGen Marketing Group Partner Tom Weigman.

"Our ability to attract key industry leaders is a vote of confidence from the advertising world," said Tap.Me CEO Joshua Hernandez of the board.

"Our goal from the beginning was to build a truly scalable platform that not only provides a great experience for gamers and advertisers, but makes buying into in-game advertising simple and effective.

"Our all-star Advisory Board has played a key role in making sure that we have a product that they want to buy because of its flexibility across mobile, social and local marketing efforts."

Three is family

Forging links between developers working within the mobile gaming industry and brands looking for a route to consumers will be the board's main priority.

"Gaming offers a huge opportunity for brands, yet most ad platforms are limited to in-game signage with no targeting," said board member Saneel Radia.

"Tap.Me's ability to target actions in games offers a more authentic and effective approach that capitalises on the very reason advertisers want to be in games: a highly engaged, happy audience."

Chicago based Tap.Me was founded back in 2009, and recently closed a fresh round of funding led by Rockfish Brand Ventures the VC arms of board member Dave Knox's Rockfish Interactive.