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CrowdStar's Top Girl hits 1 million downloads in 10 days

First mobile-only release tops out Angry Birds
CrowdStar's Top Girl hits 1 million downloads in 10 days

As CrowdStar's first mobile-only release Top Girl rolled out on iOS in the middle of June, the publisher billed it as a move to target a group that makes up almost half of all social gamers: women.

Little over a week later, downloads of Top Girl passed 1 million, with the game making it to the top of the App Store's top grossing charts in the process.

No surprise that CrowdStar is heralding its release as a success.

Top Girl, top downloads

"We knew our first mobile-only title would have impressive results but Top Girls' popularity definitely exceeded our expectations," said CrowdStar's director of mobile Blair Hamilton.

"Compared to other top-grossing games like Angry Birds, which targets all players, we really only target half the equivalent audience because it's a female friendly role-playing game."

Top Girl is built around the virtual shipping mechanic. Players are challenged to collect money by modelling, buying fresh outfits and visiting clubs, all to move up the social ladder.

It's an approach that's allowing CrowdStar to monetise its audience effectively. Averaging out at 100,000 downloads a day in its first 10 days, Top Girl had become the top grossing game on the App Store three days after launch.

It's believed CrowdStar is already in talks with brands and agencies about snapping up a role in the game.