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Microsoft acquires 'Splosion Man studio Twisted Pixel

Puts iOS project in doubt
Microsoft acquires 'Splosion Man studio Twisted Pixel

It might be yet to release a game on iOS itself, but Twisted Pixel the studio behind XBLA release 'Splosion Man made headlines aplenty when it dubbed Capcom's iPhone hit MaXplosion "complete theft" at the start of 2011.

The studio claimed it had shown 'Splosion Man to Capcom during a meeting with the publisher, only for what it deemed an exact replica of the game to show up in the form of MaXplosion soon after.

In response, Twisted Pixel vowed to 'light a fire under its butt' and work on something for iOS a project now in doubt thanks to the studio's buyout by Microsoft.

No twisted logic

The purchase will naturally focus on setting Twisted Pixel to work on Xbox 360 rather than mobile, with corporate VP of Microsoft Studios Phil Spencer stating the firm's focus will be on Kinect.

"Twisted Pixel has an incredible track record of delivering innovative, critically acclaimed, and most importantly, fun, games," he said.

"Microsoft Studios is home to cutting-edge entertainment experiences, and the incredible creativity of the Twisted Pixel team will help drive further innovation around Kinect and Xbox Live."

The developer itself has made no comment regarding any smartphone projects whether simply at the drawing board stage or actually in progress though it's likely iOS will be superceded by Windows Phone if Twisted Pixel ever does make its mark on mobile.


Twisted Pixel Games