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Codemasters' founder David Darling announces mobile app and game start up Kwalee

Looking to hire key people
Codemasters' founder David Darling announces mobile app and game start up Kwalee

Having founded Codemasters with his brother and dad in 1986, David Darling has been out of the games industry since selling his stake in the successful UK publisher to VCs in 2007.

But, now, he's back with newly announced company Kwalee.

Targeting smartphone games and apps, the Leamington Spa-based outfit is currently in staff up mode, and looking for designers, programmers and artists.

"Kwalee is a start up so right now is recruiting the key people who will define the company and who will grow with it. This is a fantastic opportunity for the right candidates," the company website states.

"Kwalee will develop smartphone apps that are very special indeed (not just games; we are striving to give our customers unique and rewarding experiences."

You can find out more via its website.