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Library of Birmingham seeking studio to develop 'redefining' mobile social game for 2013

£20,000 prototype fund for successful applicant
Library of Birmingham seeking studio to develop 'redefining' mobile social game for 2013

In preparation of the opening of its new home in 2013, the Library of Birmingham is looking for a mobile and social game developer to construct an "innovative new gaming experience".

Offered in conjunction with Service Birmingham, the Library will hand the studio in question a role in "redefining the role of the library in the 21st century", with a prototype fund of £20,000 granted to the successful concept pitch.

"Our vision is for people to interact with the Library of Birmingham and its content in new and exciting ways using the latest mobile and tablet hardware," said innovation project lead at the Library of Birmingham, Rebecca Cadwallader.

"We are not looking for something derivative or formulaic but a completely new game idea aimed at attracting a whole new audience to interact and enjoy the content and services of this exciting new building."

Bigging up books

Those at the library have highlighted three core value developers should weave into play, including a focus on discovery, connecting and learning.

Developers interested should be ready to begin work at the start of 2012, with pitches focusing on a mobile social game concept likely to win favour.

It's also advised studios should consider which library collections could be utilised in play including Early and Fine Printing and the Shakespeare collection.

Submissions will be received from November 16 and the deadline will fall on November 30.

For more information on how to submit your game proposals visit the Library of Birmingham blog.


Library of Birmingham