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Appitalism unveils App Store bypass for iOS downloads

App Concierge maintains 70/30 revenue split
Appitalism unveils App Store bypass for iOS downloads

Plenty of app marketplaces claim to offer support for iOS, but most tend to do one thing: serve up a link to the title's page on the App Store.

Appitalism, which launched its multiplatform marketplace in November, clearly wasn't satisfied with such a set up, with the company behind the venture Mobile Streams announcing a new approach.

Dubbed App Concierge, users who click on the buy buttons for iOS apps on the firm's website won't have to visit the App Store. Instead, they can pay for their purchase there and then.

Apps without the App Store

Once their details have been entered, then they receive an SMS message on their phone complete with a direct download link.

Mobile Streams CEO Simon Buckingham explains, "For the apps market to reach its full mass-market growth potential, consumers need to be able to quickly and easily see, find, buy and get apps for any of their devices centrally from one place.

"Whilst a highly innovative addition to the consumer experience, we designed Appitalism App Concierge to work perfectly with the existing apps ecosystem.

"Both Apple and all of the app developers who work with iTunes and the App Store continue to receive the same economic terms as they always have and developers are paid in exactly the same way - through Apple."

Courting the carriers?

In essence, Appitalism makes the purchases on the consumer's behalf, which means the normal 70/30 split between developers and Apple remains in place.

Indeed, from a developer's perspective, the only difference is the ability to reach fresh consumers through Appitalism's website.

"By reducing friction in the apps purchase process, we expect purchases of Apple iOS apps to increase even further, benefiting both Apple and its ecosystem partners," added Buckingham.

App Concierge is also being offered up as a stand-alone product for third parties looking to license the technology.

It undoubtedly has huge potential, with carriers equipped with their own marketplaces likely to look upon a set up that lets them have a hand in the purchase of iOS apps favourably.