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Valve unveils digital storefront app for Steam on iOS and Android

Platform launches in beta form
Valve unveils digital storefront app for Steam on iOS and Android

Valve's digital distribution platform Steam already accounts for well over half of the digital downloads market according to CEO Gabe Newell, and now it's looking to expand that share by reaching out to new markets.

As such, the firm has unveiled a new Steam app for both iOS and Android in beta form.

It's job isn't to let users play PC games on smartphones and tablets OnLive style, however, but rather to act more as a promo tool, allowing customers to browse the games on offer and keep in touch with various sales and promos.

On the go

The Steam app also lets users connect with their friends as in the Steam community, which boasts around 40 million other active users.

"The Steam app comes from many direct requests from our customers," said Newell.

"Seeing which of your friends are online and playing a game, sending quick messages, looking at screenshots for an upcoming game, or catching a sale - these are all features customers have requested.

"Mobile is changing way people interact, play games and consume media, and the Steam app is part of our commitment to meet customer demands and expand the service functionality of Steam to make it richer and more accessible for everyone."

Those already signed up to Steam looking to join the beta need to download the free app to express an interest, with gamers added to the process "as the service ramps up".

Steam currently boasts over 1,800 games in all.

[source: Valve]