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Change to App Store submission process hints at retina display equipped iPad 3

All screenshots must be retina compatible
Change to App Store submission process hints at retina display equipped iPad 3

As is tradition with Apple, the only time the company ever goes on record about a new piece of hardware is when said device is being unveiled by the CEO in front of the world's media.

The result is, the press is forced to make wild guesses about what's next, with the latest chatter pointing towards an iPad 3 equipped with a retina display.

Indeed, a change to the App Store's app submission process has added weight to such talk, with Apple now requiring all new or updated titles to sport screenshots fit for high resolution displays.

Retina rumours

"When you create or update your apps in iTunes Connect, you must upload screenshots that are high resolution," the firm detailed in an email to App Store developers.

"We require your screenshots as high resolution images so that your app is optimised for retina display."

Currently, only iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 and the 4th generation iPod touch come equipped with retina displays, with both the original iPad and iPad 2 left out of the high resolution loop.

The fact all apps now have to come with retina friendly screenshots for Apple to peruse, however, suggests the forthcoming iPad 3 expected to be announced sometime in the spring will be the firm's first high resolution tablet to hit the market.

[source: Apple Insider]