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Game Connection has facilitated 30,000 meetings in 3 years

Oiling the wheels of business
Game Connection has facilitated 30,000 meetings in 3 years

The Game Connection America event is starting to shape up for its 2012 edition, due to take place in San Francisco from 5-7 March.

Ahead of the event, it has been revealed that over the previous three years, over 30,000 business meetings have been scheduled through its application system.

Meeting goals

"Our overall goal is to make it as easy as possible for companies to come to Game Connection and make business happen," said Pierre Carde, CEO of Connection Events.

"Our meeting application has been acclaimed by attendees for years because of its efficiency, and the fact that 30,000 meetings have been scheduled through it in just over 3 years gives testament to the fact that our system is working and business is being done!"

As well as revealing these figures, Game Connection also announced that it has so far confirmed a 150-strong list of buyers for its upcoming US event.

You can see the full list of buyers here.