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Chinese security apps specialist Qihoo caught up in App Store bot farm scandal

But seems to be a case of mistaken identity
Chinese security apps specialist Qihoo caught up in App Store bot farm scandal

Qihoo 360, the NASDAQ floated Chinese company, which is behind a number of security-focused iOS apps, had its library pulled by Apple over what the Chinese firm claims were unusual feedback patterns on the App Store, both in terms of positive and negative reviews.

The suggestion is this is in some way linked to the ongoing bot farm issue on the App Store. 

At least, that's how some parts of the Chinese press are reporting it. 

Security issues

Now, however, Qihoo's apps are back, despite no changes being made to the titles, suggesting Apple is doing a lot of analysis work on unusual App Store trends, but possibly also being a little trigger happy.

"We are very pleased to resolve the issue with Apple and have all of our iOS mobile applications quickly back on the iTunes App Store without any need for modification," commented CEO Hongyi Zhou.

The news comes as fellow Chinese outfit Ourpalm behind games such as Angry Piggy, Pearl Fun and Colorful Bubble has also had its titles pulled from the marketplace.

[source: Bloomberg]