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Meet Pocket Gamer at GDC 2012 in San Francisco

We're on (a) Mission
Meet Pocket Gamer at GDC 2012 in San Francisco

The Game Developers Conference 2012 kicks off on 5 March and naturally this means the PocketGamer team will be there in full regalia (put down that oversized San Francisco Giants-emblazoned foam hand, Chris!).

We'll be writing up the Smartphone & Tablet Gaming Summit, meeting up for super secret briefing, checking out the lastest games and other journalistic things...

Like eating the best of the free buffet food and twitpic-ing it

The winner is...

It's not all work though, because we'll be throwing a party on the Monday night.

And then there's also the Pocket Gamer Awards - basically another party - on Tuesday, so if you're interested in getting involved then you'd best get in touch.

For editorial meetings, email kristan.reed [at] on the consumer side, or Jon [at] for the the biz side.

For business and party stuff, talk to alex [at]