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Ad platform Tap.Me closes $3.2 million funding round

Also partners with Fluik Entertainment
Ad platform Tap.Me closes $3.2 million funding round

Self-titled brand enhancement platform Tap.Me has closed a $3.2 million srong funding round, led by Chicago venture capital firm Hyde Park Venture Partners.

The cash injection, which also included previous investor I2A Fund, as well as Western Technology Investment, Great Oaks Venture Capital, FireStarter Fund and Hyde Park Angels, comes as the company also announces a partnership with Office Jerk studio Fluik Entertainment.

Partner power

As a result of the deal, the Edmonton-based developer will embed Tap.Me's platform into its library of games, including aforementioned Office Jerk, which passed 7 million downloads on iOS back in June 2011.

"Fluik is thrilled to partner with Tap.Me, whose platform will help us monetise gameplay in a way that enhances the experience for the gamer, which is of paramount importance to us," said Fluik co-founder Victor Rubba.

"This is the future of meaningful game and brand integration."

Board games

Tap.Me claims the Fluik partnership will see its platform hit 25 million gamers by June 2012 news that will please new board member Jeffrey Lapin, who has previously served as Atari CEO.

Other new board members include OkCupid co-founder Sam Yagan and I2A MD Stuart Larkins

"Closing on the new round of funding and adding industry leaders to our investment ranks give us a lot of momentum," said Tap.Me CEO Matt Spiegel.

"Our partnership with Fluik provides immediate scale for our platform’s reach, while the addition of talented folks like Jeff Lapin, Sam Yagan and Stuart Larkins to our board validates our approach.

"I'm thrilled with these developments and look forward to an exciting period ahead at Tap.Me."