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Office Jerk tops 7 million downloads on iOS as Fluik release makes leap to Android

Up 1 million in 23 days
Office Jerk tops 7 million downloads on iOS as Fluik release makes leap to Android

Despite having only rolled out at the end of April, this is already the third time Office Jerk has sailed through a download milestone on the pages of

This time, Fluik Entertainment has announced its free release has surpassed downloads of 7 million on iOS, up 1 million from the 6 million figure it hit 23 days ago.

Jerking onto Android

That means Office Jerk is currently being downloaded at a rate of around 43,500 copies a day.

The milestone figure corresponds with the game's debut on Android, though Fluik has decided to mix things up a touch for the title's release on Google's OS.

As well as a free version, a 99c edition of Office Jerk has also launched on Android Market, as opposed to the one-stop-shop free-only model adopted on iOS.

Expect regular updates on the game's performance on its new home in the months to come, if the App Store version is anything to go by.