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Microsoft to launch Windows Phone Tango in China on 21 March

HTC and Nokia on board
Microsoft to launch Windows Phone Tango in China on 21 March

Having laid out its intentions to make a move on China at Mobile World Congress, reports suggest Microsoft will launch the next version of Windows Phone in the region on 21 March.

Invitations sent out to the Chinese tech press point to the unveiling of the OS update, dubbed Tango, which will represent the official launch of the platform in the Chinese market.

Titanic battle

It appears numerous handsets will hit the shop shelves to couple the update's launch, too.

Pre-orders for HTC's Triumph known as the Titan on western shores began at the start of the month, while Nokia CEO Stephen Elop recently told Chinese site 21st Century Business that it intends to launch Lumia handsets in the region on 28 March.

No specific devices were mentioned, though Engadget reports regulatory approvals suggests both the Lumia 710 and Lumia 800 will lead the line.

It's also expected the recently unveiled low-price Lumia 610 will make an appearance in China at some point, with Nokia looking to steal market share from Android currently the dominant platform at the low-end of the sector.
