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New iPad enjoys 'strongest launch yet' as sales top 3 million

It's a blockbuster
New iPad enjoys 'strongest launch yet' as sales top 3 million

Adding to CEO Tim Cook's claims iPad had enjoyed a "record" opening weekend, Apple has revealed current sales of the third generation iPad have hit 3 million.

That means the new device is shifting at a rate of around 750,000 units a day.

As a comparison, it took the original iPad 28 days to hit sales of 1 million back in 2010.

A matter of millions

"The new iPad is a blockbuster with three million sold - the strongest iPad launch yet," said senior VP of worldwide marketing Philip Schiller.

"Customers are loving the incredible new features of iPad, including the stunning Retina display, and we can't wait to get it into the hands of even more customers around the world this Friday."

Early accounts had suggested launch queues were down at Apple's flagship stores in the US and UK, while other high street retailers reportedly still had stock hours after launch.

Nevertheless, it appears Apple's revised online pre-order system which, for the first time, allowed customers to take delivery of an iPad in time for launch day more than made up for any deficit.

Apple's latest iPad is currently available in 12 territories including the US, UK, Australia, Canada Japan, Germany and France - with launches in a further 24 countries planned for 23 March.

[source: BusinessWire]