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EA predicts global digital mobile and handheld gaming market will be worth $4.1 billion in 2011

Up to $5.1 billion by 2013
EA predicts global digital mobile and handheld gaming market will be worth $4.1 billion in 2011

Alongside the now highly confusing template for its quarterly financials, EA has updated its estimates for the size of the global mobile gaming market.

As part of its investment slide deck, the company has broken down the entire digital gaming sector into mobile and handheld, console, and PC (free-to-play and other).

The company is interested in this area as it's keen to highlight its digital gaming revenues; now up to $872 million in terms of trailing 12 month revenue that includes PopCap.

Upward trend

In terms of mobile and handheld (we're assuming it's also taking into account digital downloads from DSi, Nintendo eStore, PlayStation Network etc), EA thinks the global market will be worth $4.1 billion in 2011.

This will rise to $5.1 billion annually - or 15 percent of the entire digital gaming market - by the end of 2013.

It's a total that's larger than the $4.5 billion the company predicted for 2013 in a similar investors document at the end of 2010.

Of course, this figure is much less than circa $9 billion that companies such as Gartner and Juniper quote in terms of market size in 2013.

[source: EA (PDF)]