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Kickstarter set to distribute $300 million in 2012

Crowd-funder on track to triple past year's efforts

2012 has been a breakout year for Kickstarter.

With successful ventures including the Double Fine Adventure and Wasteland 2, the crowd-funding platform broke its first million dollar project and continues to go from strength to strength as more developers take interest.

A recent interesting case was the $5.5 million raised for the Pebble E-Paper watch

And research conducted by VentureBeat shows that Kickstarter is on track to raise around $300 million this year, triple the amount it raised in 2011.

Kicking off

The results are based on an analysis of successful project funded since the beginning of 2012 and is backed up by a chart released by Kickstarter when it first hit 1 million backers last year.

Good news for Kickstarter then which takes five percent of all successfully funded projects.

And putting that into perspective, shortly after Double Fine Adventure kicked things off, Kickstarter co-founder Yancey Strickler said the company was set to distribute more than $146 million dollars given out by the US National Endowment for the Arts.

[source: VentureBeat]