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Up to £50 million made available for UK creative industries, including game developers

Tax relief starting from April 2013
Up to £50 million made available for UK creative industries, including game developers

Further to the news that the UK government has announced tax relief for the creative industries, including game developers, more details have been emerging.

As broken out in official Treasury documents, the government has budgeted that the scheme will cost it £15 million ($24 million) in 2013-2014 and £35 million ($55.5 million) in 2015-2016.

That's a total of £50 million ($79 million) over the two-year period.

It's not clear how long the scheme - which is a relief on a company's profits via corporation tax - will run, however. It will be available from April 2013.

Where the devil hides

More details will become clear as the Finance Bill 2013 is bought to Parliament.

The initiative will also subject to state aid approval, presumably in terms of ensuring it doesn't break European Union competition rules.

Another caveat is that the relief will be provided for game makers, animation studios and what's refereed to as "high end television industries", so the £50 million won't just be available for game developers.

[source: UK Treasury (PDF)]