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China to top US as largest smartphone market in 2012, reports IDC

Cheap devices to drive growth
China to top US as largest smartphone market in 2012, reports IDC

China will replace the US as the leading territory for smartphone shipments in 2012, IDC reports, with its "sheer size, strong demand and healthy replacement rates" making the country a priority for OEMs the world over.

Numbers sourced from the firm's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker claims the momentum the Chinese market has amassed will ensure it becomes the dominant territory for some years to come.

Handing over the baton

"People's Republic of China smartphone shipments are expected to take a slim lead over the US in 2012 before the gap widens in the coming years," said senior market analyst for the Asia/Pacific region Wong Teck Zhung.

"There will be no turning back this leadership changeover."

In all, IDC claims China's share of worldwide shipments will grow from more than 18 percent in 2011 to little under 21 percent this year.

By 2016, it's claimed, that share will have levelled off at 20.2 percent, but this will put it comfortably ahead of its nearest rival, the US.

China's forthcoming dominance will be part of a wider shift towards emerging markets, IDC reports as manufacturers increasing launch cheaper models.

Growth all round

"Emerging domestic vendors will be another important engine of smartphone growth as giants Huawei, ZTE, and Lenovo continue to ramp up with big carrier orders due to their willingness to produce customized handsets," added Teck Zhung.

"International players such as Samsung and Nokia are also expected to drive volume at the low end with cheaper smartphones."

As a result, IDC claims Brazil and India will also become major markets in the years to come, though the role of existing players the US, UK and Japan won't disappear.

The body claims these mature markets will also "experience continued growth in smartphone adoption, but volumes will not keep up with those destined for emerging markets."

[source: BusinessWire]