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RIM reveals 16GB PlayBook to be discontinued

But firm still committed to tablet market
RIM reveals 16GB PlayBook to be discontinued

RIM has revealed it will no longer manufacturer the 16GB version of its PlayBook tablet, with the model set to be discontinued once stock has been depleted.

The announcement comes as sales of the firm's debut tablet continue to struggle, with the BlackBerry device failing to gain significant market share against both iPad and scores of Android tablets.

Down, but not out

Nevertheless, the company claims it remains committed to the tablet market.

RIM states its decision to drop the cheapest version of the PlayBook which retails for $199 is not a sign that it's planning to pull out of the tablet race wholesale.

"We continue to remain committed to the tablert space and the 32GB and 64GB models of the BlackBerry PlayBook continue to be available from our distributors and retailers around the world," the firm said in a statement.

The latest estimates suggest 1.35 million PlayBooks have been shipped worldwide as of March.

[source: Reuters]