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Swiss games splash bound for London 2012 on 23 July

House of Switzerland to host 'Zurich Creative Day'
Swiss games splash bound for London 2012 on 23 July

The House of Switzerland - the official Swiss hospitality centre for the London 2012 Olympic Games - is hosting a 'Zurich Creative Day' on 23 July to showcase the output of the country's game development scene.

The House, situated directly alongside London Bridge, will welcome Swiss game developers, researchers, and academics to present their latest work to attendees.

Participants include Disney Research Zurich, Bitforge, Gbanga, and the Zurich University of the Arts.

Heidi hi

A panel discussion titled 'The Future is Mobile - How to Keep Pace?,' will see representatives from EA, TIGA, Co&Co UK, and the Swiss IGDA engage in some verbal sparring, while Bitforge co-founder Reto Senn will also be on hand to show off his company's latest mobile title, Swiss Games.

This app comprises three separate games, all based on Swiss culture.

For instance, one minigame stars a modernised Heidi, while another sees users rolling a five franc coin around an earthenware bowl - a musical pastime which traditionally acted as an accompaniment to yodelling.

Culture vulture

Swiss Games was funded by the City of Zurich and the Swiss Arts Council, whose two-year Game Culture programme has spent 1.5 million Swiss Francs on promoting and funding Swiss game development, as well as attempting to bolster the medium's cultural cache.

The Zurich Creative Day is scheduled for 23 July, and those interested can register now.

The House of Switzerland will be open from 21 July - 12 August, and play host to a variety of events and installations, including a public games lounge which will showcase the finest products of Swiss game development.