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We're bigger than EA and Wooga, claims social publisher Peak Games

9.7 million DAUs on board
We're bigger than EA and Wooga, claims social publisher Peak Games

Social and mobile outfit Peak Games has declared itself the third-largest social gaming platform in the world, boasting what it claims is 9.7 million daily active users (DAUs).

The company, which raised $11.5 million in funding back in September, states this puts it ahead of social rivals such as Wooga with 8.6 million DAUs and Electronic Arts on 9.1 million DAUs.

Going local

Its success, the company claims, is down to its ability to produce "culturally relevant" games aimed at previously "under-penetrated markets", such as Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Such tactics have indeed yielded rich rewards for the firm, with Peak Games' Q1 2012 revenues up tenfold year-on-year.

"By tapping into the Turkey and MENA markets, Peak has seen substantial growth rivalling that of top global companies," said Ali Kutay, announced as one of the firm's angel investors.

"The Peak team recognised a need for culturally relevant games in these regions and is delivering titles that fit local lifestyles."

Everything's Okey

One example of Peak's regional comes in the form of its first game, Okey - a traditional Turkish tile-based game.

50 percent of Facebook users in Turkey have played the game, and it's amassed more than 18 million players in all.

Peak Games CEO Sidar Sahin continued, "The Turkey and MENA regions hold huge potential with a burgeoning economy and an expanding, young population."

"Peak Games understands the importance of tailoring games for people in emerging markets and is already continuing this approach across additional high-growth areas around the world."

Peak has announced its growth is to be coupled by fresh appointments to its core team.

Former Digital Chocolate VP Robert Unsworth is joining the company as director of business development, while investor Kutay will sit on Peak Games' board of advisors.

[source: Peak Games]