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Google unites digital services as Google Play

Android Market, music and eBooks in one place
Google unites digital services as Google Play

Google has brought all of its cloud-based digital services together to create a single online entity, which it has labelled Google Play.

The Android Market, Google Music, and the eBookstore have all been amalgamated into this one digital outlet, which will be available to all customers via web browsers and Android devices.

Speaking on Google's official blog, director of digital content Jamie Rosenburg explained that users will be able to store up to 20,000 songs, download 450,000 apps and games, rent movies, and peruse upwards of 4 million books under this one virtual roof.

Canada and UK customers will enjoy all these services except the option to download music.

All together now

"Entertainment is supposed to be fun. But in reality, getting everything to work can be the exact opposite - moving files between your computers, endless syncing across your devices, and wires… lots of wires," the blog reads.

"Today we're eliminating all that hassle with Google Play, a digital entertainment destination where you can find, enjoy and share your favorite music, movies, books, and apps on the web and on your Android phone or tablet."

One stop shop

According to Google, all the individual Android apps which previously provided these services will be updated over the next few days and rebranded as Google Play Store, Google Play Music, Google Play Movies, and Google Play Apps.

To mark this momentous occasion, Google will be running a "7 Days to Play" sale, in which one app, book, album, and movie will be discounted each day.

[source: USA Today]