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Google launches Mobile App Analytics service beta

Backed up by analytics app for Android
Google launches Mobile App Analytics service beta

Google has unveiled a new mobile analytics platform designed to help marketers and developers better measure their apps.

Mobile App Analytics is currently available in beta form, with Google promising the service will measure "the entire mobile customer journey from discovery to download to engagement."

In practice, this means splitting the service into three set areas, offering reports on acquisition and user analysis, engagement and, finally, outcome.

The trident

"There are already more than 600,000 mobile apps on Google Play alone, and we expect to see continued momentum throughout the industry," stated Google on its analytics blog.

"The reports are tailored for mobile app developers and marketers, speaking the language that matters to them."

Breaking the tools down, Google claims acquisition and user analysis reports include metrics such as downloads, new users, and traffic sources, while also providing a breakdown of which app versions and devices players are using.

Engagement reports provide metrics on user behaviour, displaying how frequently users boot up an app, while outcome reports measure in-app purchase numbers and revenue, as well as in-app conversion events, such as spending 5 minutes in-game, or clicking on an ad.

Feedback loop

The launch of Mobile App Analytics has been accompanied by the release of a new Google Analytics app for Android, too, providing users with real time statistics for their accounts.

The application can also send automatic and customised alerts, so users will be made aware of any statistical anomalies as they occur.

The Google Analytics app is available from Google Play. Developers can sign up for the beta via Google's services website.

[source: Google]