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Gamevil sets aside $10 million in drive to sign up third-party titles

Publisher looking to partner with excellence
Gamevil sets aside $10 million in drive to sign up third-party titles

Having made special mention of the third-party franchises on its books during its earnings report for the last financial quarter, it's no surprise Gamevil is looking to add to its library.

The South Korean publisher is to set aside a total $10 million with the specific intention of singing up fresh releases from outside studios.

The partnerships that result, Gamevil says, will help strengthen its position in the smartphone market.

External excellence

"As the market expands with smartphones at its centre, partnering with promising and exceptional external developers has become more important," said CFO Yong Kuk Lee of the movel.

"By working together with these creative developers and combining Gamevil's understanding of the global smartphone game market, we will carve out success and growth for everyone involved."

The firm, which saw its revenues rise to $5.9 million in its first quarter of 2011, says it has already been party to 10 invidual partnerships with outside outfits since the end of last year, having recently acquired exclusive publishing and partial IP rights to BLUE's Cartoon Wars series.

As an aside, Gamevil is also set to refresh its social platform on smartphones, Gamevil Live. The new service will roll out on both releases new and old over the coming months.