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Best of British announces 48 hour game hack for London this July

Shoot some brewskies, build awareness
Best of British announces 48 hour game hack for London this July

Tapping into the indie scene's sense of community, organisers behind the Best of British movement have announced a 48 hour game hack set to take place in London this July.

The hack open only to existing Best of British members will see developers come together to develop projects for both iOS and Android.

Devil in the detail

The hack's main aims will be to both raise the awareness of the Best of British group itself, as well as gain press attention for all involved.

However, also on the agenda isthe rather looser, but no less rewarding ambition of 'shooting brewskies'.

The games themselves will be created using Unity, with organisers looking for "one or more WarioWare style micro games of no longer than 7 seconds." Titles will also come with a predefined theme, with game's ultimately concluding with one of two states: pass or fail.

Entry is free but restricted to existing members, with developers looking to take part only able to enter in groups of two. Multiple groups from one studio will be accepted, however, and solo entrants are also fine.

The event itself will kick off on 20 July from 5pm, running through the 48 hour period to 22 July, with those participating able to "sleep (or not sleep)" at the hack's venue as they see fit.