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Take to the London stage on 26 September, David Darling and Ian Baverstock announced for F2P Summit CMO Alex Dale will deliver the keynote presentation of the second F2P Summit, which returns to London on 26 September 2012.

Dale will open the summit with a session titled 'Building the Kingdom: the story of how created a leading cross-platform casual games company' that promises to share the secrets of the company's success.

Other confirmed speakers for the event include Kwalee CEO David Darling, who will argue that 'free is not enough,' while Playfuel's Ian Baverstock examines the problem of discovery on digital distribution platforms.

Reaching the summit

"We were delighted with the success of our debut F2P Summit even in March. We received such positive feedback and support from the industry that we're delighted to be returning again in September," explained Andy Lane, director of F2P Summit organiser Tandem Events.

"Delegates can expect the same high quality line-up of speakers, including key players in the F2P market sharing their experiences with us, and of course, there will be the chance for delegates to network with around 150 other developers, a primary reason why so many delegates attended in March."

Early bird registration is open now, priced at £195 plus VAT. Come 5 September, that price will jump to £295 plus VAT.

For more information on the event, take a look at the F2P summit website.