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Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman signs up for keynote at IGDA Summit

Takes to the stage in Seattle 23-24 July
Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman signs up for keynote at IGDA Summit

Ouya founder and CEO Julie Uhrman will be interviewed onstage in a keynote session for the IGDA Summit 2012.

Uhrman who held executive roles at GameFly and IGN before founding Ouya will be questioned by IGDA board member Ed Fries, who was instrumental in the development and launch of the original Xbox during his time at Microsoft.

The doubters

Fries knows a thing or two about console launches, then, and the interview promises to cover not only the successes and potential of the Ouya, but also the challenges it will face in the months ahead.

Since the Android-based console rose to prominence on the back of a record-breaking KickStarter campaign, many have publicly questioned whether the Ouya will hit its March 2013 release date and $99 price tag including Craig Rothwell, part of the team behind the troubled Pandora handheld.

Uhrman's interview forms the keynote for day two of the IGDA Summit. The day one keynote will be 'A Love Letter to Games' delivered by Airtight Games' creative director Kim Swift.

Registration for the event - which will run between 23-24 July in Seattle - is still open, with tickets priced at $199 for IGDA members. Non-members can pick up a pass for $299, or pay $249 for an IGDA membership and member's pass.

To find out more about the event, visit the IGDA Summit website.