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Creative Assembly, Madfinger and Simogo win big at 2012 Unity Awards

Total War Battles gets the Golden Cube
Creative Assembly, Madfinger and Simogo win big at 2012 Unity Awards

Unity Technologies' annual conference - Unite 2012 held in Amsterdam - is now over.

But before they started to take down the banners, there was the small matter of the Unity Awards.

The big winners of the night were Sega-owned Creative Assembly, which won the Golden Cube for iOS game Total War Battles.

You can check out our Making of article about the game here.

More winners

Also doing well were Madfinger Games, which won the Community Choice award and Best Technical Achievement for iOS/Android shooter Dead Trigger, a game it was talking about at GDC Europe.

Other awards for mobile developers went to Simogo, which won Best Gameplay for iOS game Beat Sneak Bandit. Our Making of article is here.

And you can read our Unite 2012 coverage here.