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Nokia and Microsoft push out $1 million to devs for exclusive apps

Leak also exposes new Windows Phone range
Nokia and Microsoft push out $1 million to devs for exclusive apps

Nokia and Microsoft's new app incubator program, AppCampus, is in full swing, with both firms revealing a total of $1 million has already been paid out to 36 studios.

The program is designed to foster the creation of fresh mobile apps specifically for Windows Phone and other Nokia platforms with each developer taking home an average of $30,000 each.

Some studios may be afforded as much as $88,000 throughout the course of the venture, however.

Money matters

AppCampus head Pekka Sivonen has revealed said 36 developers were chosen from a suite of 900 app submissions, with the lucky winner's titles set to launch in October.

Sivonen claims the two parties are now on the hunt for fresh opportunities, predicting a total of 700 investments throughout the course of the next three years.

The news comes as a leak exposes Nokia's new range of Windows Phone 8 devices, expected to be unveiled at Nokia World on 5 September.

The photo above  - published by Twitter account evleaks - depicts what's believed to be the Lumia 820, while the shot below is the Lumia 920.

Both handsets are expected to equip PureView imaging software as utilised in Nokia's Symbian-powered PureView 808 in Windows Phone devices for the first time.

[source: TechCrunch]