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Boss Alien's Jason Avent to detail secret of CSR Racing's success at F2P Summit

Bound for London this September
Boss Alien's Jason Avent to detail secret of CSR Racing's success at F2P Summit

Adding to the speakers unveiled back in July, organisers behind September's F2P Summit in London have revealed Jason Avent of Boss Alien the studio behind CSR Racing will present the event's second keynote.

Avent's session, titled 'From Triple A on console to Triple A on iOS', will detail how collaborating with NaturalMotion transformed the studio into "world leading iOS experts" in just one year.

App happy

"We've now been running the game as a live service for several months and have successfully used metrics data, A/B testing and live updates to improve the game and its performance," said Avent.

"I intend to share with delegates what we've learned as our team transitioned from AAA console game development to freemium on mobile and topped the world's App Store charts."

Avent's unveiling follows confirmation that CMO Alex Dale will take charge of the first keynote, with presentations from Kwalee CEO and founder David Darling and Playfuel's Ian Baverstock also in line.

Speaking briefly

Finally, consultant Nicholas Lovell the man behind GAMESbrief is also down to speak, tackling "15 simple rules to make your F2P game more fun, more popular and more profitable."

"Free-to-play is now widely accepted as a business model, but it is in its infancy," said Lovell.

"There is still so much to explore as we learn how to make great, deep, involving games using these new mechanics.

"My talk will focus on helping professionals from AAA development and newcomers adapt to free-to-play, and I look forward to getting new ideas from the other excellent speakers."

Ticket for the F2P Summit which takes place at RichMix in Shoreditch, London, on 26 September can be picked up from the event's website, starting from £195 until 5 September.