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More than 900,000 Android devices now activated each day

Andy Rubin announces activation milestone
More than 900,000 Android devices now activated each day

Andy Rubin, Google's SVP of mobile and digital content has announced that more than 900,000 Android devices are now activated each day.

It's the first time Rubin has announced an activation milestone since February 2012, when he revealed that daily Android activations had reached 850,000.

Green army

Just months before that, a post on Rubin's Google+ account confirmed that Android activations had hit 700,000 in December 2011.

The rate of growth is slowing, then, but Android seems to be continuing its slow, inexorable march towards 1 million daily device activations - albeit at a slower rate than some commentators had anticipated.

Rubin also tweeted that he has 'no plans to leave Google', responding to rumours that he was all set to jump ship and join a start-up called Cloudcar.

As Rubin elaborated on Google+, "Cloudcar are a group of friends who I give free office space to in my incubator in Los Altos."

[source: Google]