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Develop 2012: CSR Racing 'more successful than all my other games put together', says Boss Alien's Jason Avent

#developconf High profit margins on iOS
Develop 2012: CSR Racing 'more successful than all my other games put together', says Boss Alien's Jason Avent

While scoring a runaway success on iOS might be easier said than done, when a game takes off, it really takes off.

That's according to Boss Alien MD Jason Avent who, having previously served at the now defunct Black Rock Studio, is now enjoying life at the top of the App Store with CSR Racing.

Racing ahead

"CSR Racing is the most successful thing I've ever worked on," Avent said of his success at Develop Brighton.

"It's as successful as everything else I've ever done added up together I couldn't have expected that."

Avent described his studio's partnership with NaturalMotion, which published CSR Racing, as "perfect", but admitted it's a deal that might not have been signed had he not already proved himself at Split Second studio Black Rock.

"Our background had a massive influence on us getting the deal we got," he said.

"I think the best way for complete newcomers to start a games business is to have clients there are small jobs you can do for people at the start that will get you money in the bank that you can then use to invest in your own stuff.

"Once you have an audience behind your games, you can then also take that to an investor."

Eye on iOS

Of iOS in general, Avent said working on Apple's platform was a no brainer.

"The profit margins when you're successful on iOS are much higher than on console now," he admitted.

"Development budgets on console have just got too big it didn't used to be that way."

It's a problem that, in the future, may well be replicated on smartphones, however.

"I think more and more people skilled in high production quality are going to come to iOS, and that's going to make things more and more competitive," he said, suggesting development budgets will have to go up.

"It's inevitable. There is a hell of a lot of investment money out there for iOS at the moment, however. If you have had success, you can get support for your project right now."