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Former Bizarre Creations devs set up iOS studio Hogrocket

Project Mobile Racing?
Former Bizarre Creations devs set up iOS studio Hogrocket

The quality of the games UK Bizarre Creations' fostered and the prominent role it played in the launch of several consoles meant the studio's protracted demise under the stewardship of Activision was hard for many to swallow.

Predictably, however, those involved now appear to be finding their feet, with the formation of micro-studio Hogrocket one of the first developers to spring up post closure.

Rocket fuel for development

Set up by former level designer Peter Collier, studios communications man Ben Ward and Geometry Wars creator Stephen Cakebread, Hogrocket's first projects according to Joystiq - are aimed at iPhone and iPad.

"We make games for multiple platforms and we're currently working on our first," the developer says on its website, adding via Twitter that it plans to "spill the beans" regarding its debut project over the next few weeks.

Hogrocket claims it will also be tapping up freelance talent during the development of its titles, ensuring its creative base goes beyond three.

[source: Joystiq]