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DeNA rebrands with new logo and mission to 'delight and impact the world'

Smiles all round
DeNA rebrands with new logo and mission to 'delight and impact the world'

As we've previously pointed out, 2012 was a good year for DeNA.

The Japanese social mobile giant saw international top grossing success with Rage of Bahamut (now up to 10 million downloads), while its share price was up 42 percent year-on-year.

So time to celebrate and rebrand.

It's out with the stern, two-toned lettering, replaced with what experts describe as a 'more informal, funny and bouncy' font.

And in keeping with its new marketing tag, 'Delight and Impact the World', the company has also incorporated a smile into the logo: perhaps it was inspired by its US subsidiary ngmoco - formally ngmoco:).

Applied logic

Other changes see the company's 18 offices around the world renamed as DeNA 'location'.

Hence ngmoco becomes DeNA San Francisco, sitting alongside DeNA Mountain View, DeNA Shenzen, DeNA Santiago... you get the picture.

Meanwhile, outside of its core games business, DeNA has renamed its Bidder online retail operation to DeNA Shopping, while Skygate becomes DeNA Travel.

The company is also talking up the features it will roll out for its Groovy social music business in Japan (previously Discodeer), which it acquired in late 2011.

[source: DeNA]