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Imperial College team Rotoeliam takes top prize in the Samsung Student Developer Challenge

Gains £5,000 for arcade puzzler Panicked
Imperial College team Rotoeliam takes top prize in the Samsung Student Developer Challenge

The Rotoeliam team from Imperial College, University of London, won first place in the Samsung Student Developer Challenge 2012-2013, taking home £5,000 in prize money.

The three-person team Rohan Mahtani, Taehyun Lee and Liam Barden was awarded the prize for its intense arcade puzzle game Panicked!

Already live on the Samsung Apps store for £1.50 [link], it will also receive free promotion from Samsung. 

The runners-up

The Challenge was adjudicated by a panel that included Applifier's Oscar Clark, ARM's director of ecosystem Nizar Romdan, GSMA's developer marketing manager Manfred Bortenschlager and Steel Media MD Chris James.

Second place went to the Crash Course Studios team from the University of Abertay. Its effort Super American Football won the team £2,500 in prize money.

The Junkfish team  also from the University of Abertay  finished in third, picking up the bronze award of £1,000 for its title, Foo Foo.

Wining team Rotoeliam with Steel Media MD Chris James

The three winners were selected from a shortlist of 11 student teams, which were themselves chosen from a longlist of 26 applicants. 

You can find out more details about the annual challenge for UK students via its website