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Life after MeeGo: Jolla to launch pre-sales campaign for first handsets in May

Pre-purchase a handset for backer rewards
Life after MeeGo: Jolla to launch pre-sales campaign for first handsets in May

Formed from the fires of Nokia's move away from the MeeGo platform, Finnish start up Jolla has confirmed its plans to launch a pre-sales campaign for its first handset running a version of the OS in May.

Said campaign will offer unique rewards to early backers, with chairman Antti Saarnio claiming customised devices will be on offer.

Speaking to Finnish Economic Times, Saarnio said the more the consumer pays, the more their device will be tailored into something "unique."

Jolly good

Said campaign has not been devised to fund the production of handsets themselves, however.

Jolla insists that launching pre-sales in this way is simply a way for "fans to sign up their interest and make sure they get the device first."

Jolla has also reiterated its plans to bring its first Meego-based handset - set to run the company's own Sailfish UI, demoed below - to market in Q2 2013.


The platform itself is a Linux-based affair based on the MeeGo operating system that Intel and Nokia collaborated on until 2012.

It's worth noting, too, that Sailfish will be compatible with Android applications many of which will apparently be able to run on the OS without alteration.
