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Ex-Nokia staff to use Android apps to revive MeeGo

Jolla to utilise ACL Technology
Ex-Nokia staff to use Android apps to revive MeeGo

Formed by ex-Nokia employees previously focused on the now defunct N9 handset (see below), Jolla has claimed its move to revitalise the MeeGo platform will involve tapping into Android's library of apps.

Company CEO Jussi Hurmola has reportedly told Finnish magazine 3T that the firm's MeeGo handsets will be able to run Android releases, taking advantage of ACL Technology to bolster its apps library.

Open to all

ACL also known as OpenMobile's Application Compatibility Layer - itself is nothing new.

The tool is designed to "destroy the app barrier" and allows open operating systems to run apps from other open platforms when employed.

Indeed, ACL Technology was already part of MeeGo's make up before Nokia abandoned the platform in favour of Windows Phone, though Jolly claims it will now actively be used to boost the number of apps available to consumers when the company's first handsets reach the market.

ACL itself should also make apps built in Qt or HTML5 compatible with the platform, though details on Jolla's devices or even when they're due to hit the market are currently non-existent.

Jolla would by no means be the first company to turn to other app ecosystems to strengthen a platform. RIM has already rolled out support for Android apps on its PlayBook tablet, albeit to little mainstream fanfare.

[source: GigaOM]