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WWDC 2013 Is Go: Apple bound for San Francisco 10-14 June

Tickets go on sale 25 April
WWDC 2013 Is Go: Apple bound for San Francisco 10-14 June

Revealed almost simultaneously along with the firm's financials, Apple has announced dates for this year's Worldwide Developer Conference, which unsurprisingly will hit San Francisco this June.

The five day event will kick off on 10 June at the Moscone West a building familiar to anyone who ventures to San Francisco for GDC with tickets set to go on sale on Thursday 25 April at 10am Pacific Time.

For developers in the UK, that's 6pm on British shores.

New look?

Demand for the event is expected to be high, with a likely overhaul of the iOS user interface predicted.

This will be the first WWDC held since celebrated designer Jony Ive took charge of interface design at Apple. Indeed, maybe are suggesting that the rather radical (for Apple, at least) WWDC 2013 logo hints at a new direction for the OS.

Top of the bill at this year's WWDC will be 100 technical sessions presented by over 1,000 Apple engineers, as well as hands on labs designed to help developers integrate new technologies and the Apple Design Awards.

Global gathering

"We look forward to gathering at WWDC 2013 with the incredible community of iOS and OS X developers," said VP of worldwide marketing Philip Schiller.

"Our developers have had the most prolific and profitable year ever, and we're excited to show them the latest advances in software technologies and developer tools to help them create innovative new apps.

"We can't wait to get new versions of iOS and OS X into their hands at WWDC."

More details on how to buy tickets can be found on the WWDC 2013 website.

[source: Apple]