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Nokia's 41MP PureView 808 tech heading to Windows Phone

First device not far away
Nokia's 41MP PureView 808 tech heading to Windows Phone

Nokia has confirmed the camera technology employed in its recently unveiled PureView 808 handset will be employed in the firm's Windows Phone range in the near future.

Confirmation of the strategy has been made by senior VP Jo Harlow, who told Finnish newspaper Aamulehti that the techniques used to produce the Symbian device's camera will soon make its way to handsets running Microsoft's OS.

A matter of time

"I can't say precisely when, but it will not take very long," Harlow told the paper when questioned, according to a translation by WPCentral.

The PureView 808, which features a 41MP sensor, has been cited as one of the stand out devices showcased at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, taking home the top honour of best new device unveiled at the event by the Global Mobile Awards.

Many had queried Nokia's decision to equip a Symbian handset with the technology, however, given the age of the OS and its shrinking share in the face of iOS and Android.


[source: WPCentral]