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Molyneux's mighty GODUS hits Kickstarter goal as Dizzy falls way short

A tale of two UK studios
Molyneux's mighty GODUS hits Kickstarter goal as Dizzy falls way short

If one of the criticisms of Kickstarter is that it's starting to appeal almost exclusively to industry luminaries, then news of GODUS hitting its target would appear to give its detractors more ammunition.

The 22 Cans game, due for both iOS and Android, has already passed its £450,000 target with days to spare, with the studio thanking backers for their "generous" support via email.

"We going to use every penny of your money to make Godus a truly great game," reads the email.

Down on Dizzy

In comparison, Leamington Spa-based Blitz Studios' attempt to fund the development of Dizzy Returns appears to have fallen flat.

With 24 hours remaining, the project has pooled just 7 percent of its £350,000 target in donations, despite the fact the game the development of which was set to be led by noted former Codemasters brothers Philip and Andrew Oliver had secured a spot on TIGA's curated list on the crowdfunding platform.

Notoriety doesn't always guarantee success, then.

Indeed, Dizzy Returns would need to amass more than £13,500 an hour in donations for the next 24 hours in order to hit its target - that's more than half the total amount that's been pledged to date.

Mo money, mo problems

On the flip side, GODUS managed to hit its target despite Molyneux having recently told Kotaku that people's perceptions of him as a wealthy man risked damaging the project's chances.

"I'm not saying that I'm out on the streets by any means but there's a lot more wealthy people in this industry," said Molyneux.

"I certainly don't have enough money to fund 22cans for all time. I think the assumption that I'm richer than Mark Zuckerberg and that we both own Europe has hurt our Kickstarter campaign.

"A lot of people think that people like myself shouldn't enter into Kickstarter, that it's only for struggling developers."