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Metaio launches drag-and-drop augmented reality Creator tool

SDK already has 10,000 downloads
Metaio launches drag-and-drop augmented reality Creator tool

Expanding on its existing SDK for mobile developers, metaio has unveiled the launch of a new, simple, augmented reality toolkit.

The metaio Creator provides what's described as a drag-and-drop interface to open up augmented reality app creation to a 'much wider audience', with the company claiming the average mobile user will feel perfectly at home with the technology.

Reality bytes

"Augmented reality production used to be restricted to developers and programmers," said CEO and co-founder Thomas Alt.

"The metaio Creator will change that by enabling even beginners to effortlessly create and launch AR experiences."

Creator is also compatible with metaio's AR browser junaio, allowing users to deploy custom, cloud-based AR content to Android and iOS devices, employing HTML and JavaScript interactions.

Strong base

The launch of Creator comes as the company reveals total downloads of the original metaio mobile SDK has now topped 10,000, with more than 1,000 active developers on board.

A total of 200 apps using metaio's augmented reality tech have been launched to -ate, with a further 900 currently in development.

"The response from the developer community was phenomenal," added CTO Peter Meier.

"It however inspired us to offer software that would put this technology in the hands of designers, content providers, publishers, and the average users who might not have extensive programming knowledge."
